Performance Art 2007-Present

This is a collection of the Performance Art I have created since 2007.

Good Morning 5th Distortion

What is the point when art is created? Where is the line between stealing copyrighted material and when a new artwork emerges? Fifth layer of my distortions to add to the distortions that are already there. I downloaded the original clip from YouTube, distorted the colors and timing, uploaded it to YouTube, downloaded that video, then distorted the colors and timing again, then repeat until the video no longer is identified as third party content.


I sat in the rain until I was completely drenched through my clothes.

Fast Food

I ate the largest fast food meal I could stand as fast as I could. I am not a speed eater by any stretch of the imagination and this was in the early days of YouTube, before people did this for a living.

Rush Hour #2

I consumed the byproduct emissions of other’s consumption for a little over an hour. Each picture is one breath.

D'où est-ce que les rêves viennent ?

Where do dreams come from? I filmed until the moment when I think I fell asleep. My cat Horatio was there to watch over me.

Throw #2

I threw my camera in the snow.

